The shiny app can be run after loading the base package ngsReports
and the shiny app shinyNgsreports
This will open the shiny app. Files can then be imported by clicking the Choose Files
FastQC modules can then be selected using the sidebar. Each module has a summary of PASS/WARN/FAIL status across all FastQC files loaded.
After selecting a module, in this case the GC Content
module, plots are rendered and shown for all samples in heatmap format. A single sample can then be selected by clicking the sidebar on the heatmap.
Data in both the heatmap and line plot can be hovered over to display a tooltip containing x and y axis information and module value.
The default HTML report can also be run from the shiny app by selecting the last tab from the sidebar. -Omic type (i.e. Genomic or Transciptomic) can then be selected along with the species of interest. The directory containing fasqc files to construct a report for can then be selected using the elipsis on the choose files button.